What Are the Dangers of DIY HVAC Repairs & Maintenance? 

May 6, 2022

As a homeowner, when a problem arises in your home, it’s pretty normal to google the issue and try to figure out what’s going on. Performing basic troubleshooting steps is not bad if something comes up with your HVAC system. However, if the issue is still not resolved and your system is still not up and running, Grove City Heating & Air highly recommends you leave the repairs to the service professionals. This is because DIY HVAC repair has so many risks involved. Keep reading below to find the dangers in each aspect of DIY HVAC repair and maintenance.

What Safety Hazards Can Occur with DIY HVAC Repairs?

Let’s talk about safety first! There are so many things that can occur when you choose to do A DIY HVAC repair. HVAC systems have various components that have to be handled correctly. Otherwise, you could put yourself, your home, and your family in the way of potential harm. From faulty wiring to hazardous substances like refrigerant, natural gas, oil, and carbon monoxide – these components can lead to electrocution, poisoning from inhalation, or spark a house fire. So, please play it safe if you are not a licensed professional and call a professional HVAC contractor like Grove City Heating & Air.

Will a DIY HVAC Repairs Help Save Money? 

For the most part, when a decision is made to start a DIY project or repair, the intention behind it is to save a bit of money. Admittedly, that is understandable. But the saying, “You get what you pay for,” has a lot of truth. While you might think you are saving money upfront by doing the job yourself, you still will need the correct tools and parts to complete the job. Most home improvement stores do not have all the tools necessary to complete an HVAC repair. Therefore, you may be waiting longer than desired to have your heating and cooling system up and running again. In the end, the difference that you may be saving by doing it yourself instead of having a professional do it will most likely not be worth the advantages of having it fixed in a quick and timely manner and having the job done correctly by a professional.

Will Your Warranty be Voided as a Result of a DIY HVAC?

Have you considered your equipment’s warranty? Most manufacturers will void your warranty altogether if any sort of DIY HVAC repair is performed on your system. When considering a DIY HVAC repair, it’s essential that you think about the pros and cons of losing your warranty coverage.

What DIY Maintenance Can Homeowners Perform on Their HVAC Systems?

If you just enjoy tackling household chores and projects yourself, there are still a few things you can do safely to keep your HVAC system running at its highest potential.

  • Clean the vents & registers- It’s a good idea to keep your vents and registers clear of dust buildup. You can wipe them down with a damp cloth and vacuum between the slats if necessary.
  • Replace the air filters- Your HVAC system’s air filters need to be replaced every 1-2 months. An air filter’s job is to capture and hold dust particles and other airborne pollutants, so keeping these changed as recommended is crucial to your home’s IAQ and your system running efficiently.
  • Clean your outdoor unit- The vicinity around your outdoor unit should be clear of leaf buildup, sticks and twigs, and any other objects that may cause blockage and hinder the unit’s airflow. Be sure to check this area frequently throughout the spring and summer.

Grove City Heating & Air wants only the best for our valued customers! If you suspect an issue is going on with your HVAC system, allow us to work with you as your trusted heating and cooling service professional. Give us a chance and call us today at (614) 490-7540, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!