What is the Difference Between the Standard Air Filters vs. Media Filter?
Standard air filters are usually just an inch thick and made of fiberglass encased in cardboard; it is placed in the air intake of your furnace. The media filter is a more expensive and permanent filter that is made of metal or some other type of sturdy material. Media air cleaners go inside HVAC systems as cabinets in the return air duct of forced-air HVAC systems. They improve air quality by filtering excess pollution. Because standard air filters are only about an inch thick, they don’t do anything to improve your indoor air quality. Standard air filters only protect your HVAC system and they don’t do anything else. Media air cleaners are five inches thick, which enables them to provide superior air filtration.
We at Grove City Heating & Air offer homeowners the best indoor air quality solutions from all the top brand HVAC manufacturers, including major names like the Honeywell Whole House Air Cleaner, and the Cleanair and Aprilaire Air Purification Systems, and more.

Are Whole House Air Cleaners Worth It?
Whole house air cleaners can be a great way to improve the air quality in your home, but they’re not always necessary. Whether you need one or not depends on several factors, including the size of your house, the type of air filter you choose, and how often you vacuum and clean your air vents.
For people who have allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems, whole house air purifiers are undoubtedly worth the money.
We Service All Brands
Benefits Of Media Air Filter Installation
Installing a new media air filter offers homeowners a wide range of benefits. Our local air quality experts here at Grove City Heating & Air list several of these benefits in the following:

Remove Air Pollution From the Home
Installing a media cabinet will remove all sorts of air pollution and other indoor allergens floating around in your air supply. Indoor air pollution causes all sorts of respiratory issues and other health-related problems and conditions. In addition to all their amazing health benefits, removing pollution from your indoor air supply can also help you keep dirt and dust in check.

Lowers Heating & Cooling Costs
Media air filters help you save money on your home heating and air conditioning bills, in addition to improving your overall indoor air quality. They also help keep HVAC system costs lower than portable air purification systems, electronic air purifiers and other air purification products. This overall air quality upgrade helps homeowners improve their HVAC system’s overall heating and cooling efficiency and reduce utility costs.

Media Filters Last Longer
We at Grove City Heating & Air recommend homeowners replace these high-performance accordion style air filters once a year. Nevertheless, media filters should also be inspected at least once every six months for additional air filter replacement needs. Depending on several factors contributing to your indoor air pollution levels and dust accumulation in the home, these air filters usually only need replaced once each year.

They Protect HVAC Systems
Media cabinets protect your HVAC unit and all its related equipment to preserve its operation and function. Anything a homeowner is able to do to make their HVAC system last longer and run better is a tremendous money saver. They also help keep your indoor coil clean. Because our Whole-Home Air Cleaners are thicker and have larger surface areas for filtering out dust and dirt, your HVAC system also has tremendous benefits in the long run.

Enjoy Optimal Home Heating Now, Pay For it Overtime!
Your home comfort experts here at Grove City Heating & Air have outstanding relationships with some of the region’s best lenders and most respected financial institutions.
We partner with the absolute best in the business to make the entire home heating system installation and HVAC replacement process fast, easy, simple, and affordable. We pull out all the stops and roll out the red carpet. We believe our job is to help you enjoy the most superior home comfort throughout the year, even during the hottest seasons and coldest winter weather. Your job, as our amazing customer, is merely to sit back, relax and enjoy your new HVAC system with affordable payments you can make over time. In short, our furnace financing, heat pump financing and A/C finance options are second to none. Call us today at (614) 490-7540.
How To Replace Your Media Air Filter
Replacing media air filters is a fast and easy process. They come with the air filter already inside the media cabinet. Sooner or later, a homeowner is going to have to replace this filter if it becomes clogged. Clogged air filters are harder on the HVAC equipment. To help you through the process, we at Grove City Heating & Air outline the following steps:

Step 1
Take out the old filter from its frame box, which is inside the HVAC system. Make sure to turn off all the power to your HVAC unit first for safety purposes. This also helps you keep things from getting dusty, dirty or allowing air particles or anything else caught inside the HVAC’s system while you’re replacing the filter.

Step 2
Find the four tabs on the air filter’s frame box. Open these tabs and allow the sides of the frame to go down to give you easy access to the media filter for easy removal. After doing this, the old media filter should slide out with ease. Throw it away. Because of their very convenient designs, they’re very easy to dispose of. They also aren’t nearly as bulky, and you should be able to fold them up and throw them away into the trash.

Step 3
Uncoil the new filter and insert it inside the air filter’s frame box. The ends of the new media has cardboard that you should be able to slide into the first channel on the filter frame in a tight and snug way. Next, match the position of the old media and insert the fold at the base of the frame box. After doing this, there are only two accordion air filters that should fit into several different frames. Because of this, you might have more folds than channels. If you do end up with more, you don’t have any need to worry. This isn’t a problem. If you have extras, bundle them up into a single channel and it will work nicely.

Step 4
After inserting all the folds, lift the sides of the box up and reattach it to the new media filter. After doing this, flip the tabs back in position and secure the media again. After doing this, you have successfully replaced your media!