Why Isn’t My Furnace Keeping Up With the Cold?

Jan 3, 2020

Living here in Franklin County throughout the severe cold of winter, it can be extremely challenging to deal with a furnace that doesn’t keep up with the cold. With the holidays underway, we all depend on our home’s heating system to provide warmth, safety, and comfort to our friends and family without a hitch.

So what do we do when there’s an unexpected issue? What if our furnace is no longer sufficient or it’s on the fritz?

We at Grove City Heating & Air will explore in this blog post some ways to keep your furnace healthy, providing continuous heat when the weather is bad.


Never Leave Your Furnace Off Completely

Everyone knows when the weather is warm, it’s time to shut down their furnace.

However, in the autumn and beginning of winter, it can be prudent to turn off your unit when you are away for a while, working or on vacation. Why leave it on when it’s not being used? 

That being said, we do not recommend turning off your furnace altogether when it gets too cold. When you turn your furnace off completely during the colder months, it’s much more challenging for it to get it back up and running smoothly again. Turning off your system this time of year is hard on your furnace. And don’t forget your pipes! Most people know that keeping on a little heat will prevent pipes from freezing and breaking. The general rule of thumb, known as the “temperature alert threshold,” to avoid freezing pipes is roughly 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keep Your Furnace Clean and Clear of Clutter

Keeping a minimum five-foot perimeter of space around your furnace is essential. The apparent rationale for this rule is because your furnace has a fire inside it. That’s how it keeps your house warm! Just keep in mind, just because the surface of your furnace appears clean does not mean that the interior is clean. After being down for several months, it’s likely for dust and other particles to settle in there. Cleaning this dust out is merely one more reason why you should have an expert come out.

Never Neglect Your Tune-ups

And that leads us to the most crucial measure. Routine annual servicing is essential for keeping your furnace strong and performing well for years to come. When we perform these yearly check-ups, we examine a whole list of things. We clean it and address all sorts of things that demand regular professional care. A few examples? We examine the system’s voltage and pipes, and filter, among other things. All this goes a long way to prepare it for the perils of an Ohio winter.

Could Your Unit Be Too Small?

If your furnace is not big enough, it can overwork itself and stop functioning altogether. This stress triggers breakdowns while neglecting to provide sufficient heat to keep your place warm. How do you find out if your furnace is too small? It’s easy!

Turn up your thermostat and find out how long it takes to reach the correct temperature. 

Could Your Unit Be Too Big?

Having a furnace that’s too big is not a good thing either. A furnace that’s too big will weaken itself negatively, involving your comfort level. An indication of this is when your house gets hotter than you want it to be. An oversized furnace also messes with the furnace’s ductwork going into the home.

Are Your Vent’s Obstructed at All?

Maintaining clear vents sort of goes along with sustaining a clean and clear unit. It’s essential to keep stuff off and away from your vents. Make sure your vents are always clear. When your vents become obstructed, it can affect how the group gets air. Your home’s heating system needs air. When your furnace isn’t getting air, it will turn off completely.


If you find yourself experiencing any of these issues with your furnace this winter, or if you still haven’t scheduled an annual inspection, please don’t hesitate to call Grove City Heating & Air today at 614-490-7540 or schedule an appointment online now at www.grovecityheatingandair.com/schedule-now/.